1. User Login at Preboot with MFA, phone via Bluetooth
2. Single Sign-On to Windows OS
3. MagicEndpoint Creates a Persistent Connection
4. Creates “User on Device, in real-time” Key
5. No User Action SaaS Login with Office 365
6. MagicEndpoint Verifies User Intent
7. Signature Counter for Enhanced Security
8. Cisco VPN Login – Non-SaaS Application
9. No User Action – RDP Access
10. Real-Time Event Updates and Device Signals
11. Dynamic, Real-Time Key, Identity “User on Device” no longer available when user logs off
12. MagicEndpoint also Supports for Unmanaged Endpoints
13. Step Up MFA for Sensitive Applications
14. Delivering SSH Access with NO USER ACTION
15. Deny Access to Unsecured Endpoint